Posts tagged Dog
Four dogs poisoned at New Territories temple.

Hong Kong Police have launched an investigation into the death of four dogs believed to have been poisoned at a temple in northern Hong Kong on Wednesday (10 March 2021). The prevalence of poisoning cases has become an increasing concern, and despite investigations, no arrests have been made in any of the cases.

Dr. David Gething from Creature Comforts Pet Community and HKALPO have put together a Fact Sheet for dog poisoning. Please feel free to share this with other animal lovers and always remain alert for suspicious food left in public areas.

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Dog suffers horrific death after 18cm slash to neck.

Hong Kong police are hunting for a suspect over a horrific case of animal cruelty in which a Labrador bled to death after its neck was slashed.

Animal cruelty continues to poison Hong Kong. When will people start treating animals as living creatures capable of feeling pain and suffering, rather than inanimate objects? It is time the Hong Kong Government, the Hong Kong Police and Courts started to treat animal cruelty more seriously in order to deter others from doing the same.

Courtesy of Amelia Wang.

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