Posts tagged SPCA
Dog suffers horrific death after 18cm slash to neck.

Hong Kong police are hunting for a suspect over a horrific case of animal cruelty in which a Labrador bled to death after its neck was slashed.

Animal cruelty continues to poison Hong Kong. When will people start treating animals as living creatures capable of feeling pain and suffering, rather than inanimate objects? It is time the Hong Kong Government, the Hong Kong Police and Courts started to treat animal cruelty more seriously in order to deter others from doing the same.

Courtesy of Amelia Wang.

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Six dogs killed from poisoning at Cyberport Park.

Animal welfare groups are urging dog owners in Hong Kong to properly leash their pets and be extra vigilant after a spate of dog poisoning incidents over the past weekend. At least six dogs have died within hours of ingesting poisonous bait at Cyberport Waterfront Park in Pok Fu Lam.

This horrific incident comes months after three dogs were found dead within 72 hours in July 2020 having visited the same park in Cyberport, as well as Victoria Road.

Courtesy of Kelly Ma.

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