Posts tagged Sentencing
Arrest made over video of cat trapped in washing machine.

A woman was arrested on Monday night in Hong Kong after an online video of a cat being trapped in a washing machine went viral. The video shows the cat sitting inside a washing machine before its lid was closed and the appliance is turned on. The machine runs for about 10 seconds, during which time the animal can be seen barely moving around inside.

This incident unfortunately demonstrates the mindset a lot of Hong Kong people have towards animals. Animals are merely treated as “things” or “objects”, rather than something that is living, capable of feeling pain and suffering and deserving of our protection. A change in mindset is desperately needed if we as a society can truly be said to be protective of animals.

Courtesy of Kelly Ma.

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Case Summary: HKSAR v Shao Rong Qiang (CACC79 of 2020)

HKSAR v Shao Rong Qiang (unrep. CACC 79/2020, 18 December 2020).

The Hong Kong Court of Appeal recently heard an appeal against sentence for the importation of Appendix II species contrary to sections 11(1) and (3) of the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance, Cap 586. The appellant had imported 224 Saiga antelope horns weighing 49.9kg and had an estimated market price between HK$719,000 to HK$1,188,000

The appellant was sentenced by the District Court Judge to 20 months’ imprisonment, having adopted a starting point of 30 months’ imprisonment. He appealed against the sentence on the grounds that the sentence imposed was manifestly excessive.

Find out more about how the Court of Appeal dealt with the appellant’s sentence appeal; the stance the Court took in respect of endangered species and sentencing factors to be considered when sentencing offenders under Cap 586. Moreover, learn more about the Saiga Antelope and read our commentary on Cap 586 and what should be done in order to deter wildlife traffickers from using Hong Kong as a haven for trading illegal wildlife.

Courtesy of Kelly Ma.

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