Dog suffers horrific death after 18cm slash to neck.

A Sheung Shui resident discovered a gravely injured Labrador bleeding profusely from its neck at around 7 am on 20 February and subsequently reported the matter to the police. The SPCA inspectors suspected it to be foul play caused by a sharp object after arriving at the scene to find an 18cm gash to the dog’s neck. A pool of blood was also located some 30metres away from where the dog was residing. Despite being rushed to the vet, the dog succumbed to its injuries some two hours later.

Local media reported that the owner of the 7-year-old Labrador keeps around ten dogs and would allow them to play outside the home.

In a statement, the SPCA strongly condemned the act: -

“There was a 18cm clean cut to its [dog] neck. We suspected the dog was injured by a sharp object. We rushed the dog to our centre for rescue, but it died two hours later.”

Police investigations are ongoing, and no arrest has been made.

A little over a week ago, an arrest was made over suspected animal cruelty after a video capturing a woman swinging a Pomeranian around a tree circulated the internet.

Animal cruelty continues to poison Hong Kong. When will people start treating animals as living creatures capable of feeling pain and suffering, rather than inanimate objects? It is time the Hong Kong Government, the Hong Kong Police and Courts started to treat animal cruelty more seriously in order to deter others from doing the same.

Under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance, Cap 169 - cruelty to animals carries a maximum penalty of three years in jail and a fine of up to HK$200,000.

Courtesy of Amelia Wang.

Main Source: SCMP

Courtesy of SPCA (HK)

Courtesy of SPCA (HK)