Arrest made over video of cat trapped in washing machine.

Animal cruelty comes in all different forms and modes. Just when you think you have seen it all, an incident emerges which completely shatters all preconceptions. Unfortunately, this recent incident is one such story.

On 8 February 2021, a video went viral in Hong Kong when it captured the cruel moments where an adorable cat is found sitting in a washing machine. Unbeknownst to the animal, a person is seen lowering the lid of the washing machine and turning it on for about 14 seconds, during which the cat can barely be seen moving around inside. After the machine is stopped and before the lid is finally opened, the cat can be seen pressing its face tight against the transparent lid of the washing machine, showing signs of obvious distress and discomfort being trapped inside. When the machine lid is finally opened, the traumatised cat, which although was not visibly wet, immediately leaps out from the appliance.

Sources have said that the rationale behind the person committing such acts of cruelty was due to the fact the cat had defecated where it was not supposed to – a highly irresponsible and callous act.

It is understood that on the evening of 8 February 2021, the Hong Kong Police arrested a 28-year-old female, surnamed Wong, on suspicion of cruelty to animals, and are continuing their investigations into the incident. It is understood that upon arrest, the suspect remained silent and did not answer any questions put to her.

This incident unfortunately demonstrates the mindset a lot of Hong Kong people have towards animals. Animals are merely treated as “things” or “objects”, rather than something that is living, capable of feeling pain and suffering and deserving of our protection. The most striking feature of this case is that the video was shared to social media by the suspect – as if it was a mode to further promote her own public profile. Unless and until our society changes its mindset towards animals, these horrific incidents will continue to happen.

This lower status that animals have been unfairly attributed seems also to have permeated the judicial system – where animal cruelty offences are met with very low penalties, or not even prosecuted. Whether it’s due to the difficulties in evidence gathering, or the fact that animal cruelty cases are just not seen to be important enough to warrant sufficient man power, the complete lack of deterrence will inevitably mean these incidents will keep continuing. Let’s see how the Hong Kong Police and the Department of Justice deal with this present incident – especially as cruelty to animals under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance, Cap 169 is only a summary offence.

It is extremely disturbing to see the different modes people will employ to commit cruelty to animals. There is never any justification for hurting, harming or putting at risk an animal, especially a companion animal that has put its trust in their owners. Animal cruelty is a toxic issue that continues to rear its ugly head in Hong Kong, and we must continue to fight for not only protection of animals, but also accountability for those who commit acts of cruelty.

 Courtesy of Kelly Ma

Main Sources: SCMP & Apple Daily
