UK Court hands firm largest ever wildlife crime fine.

A building firm that carried out demolition work at a site known to be inhabited by bats has been handed a £600,000 fine, the largest ever issued by a Court for a wildlife crime.

Bellway Homes, the house-builders, admitted damaging or destroying a breeding site or resting place in Artillery Place, Greenwich, south east London, in 2018, where soprano pipistrelle bats had been documented the previous year. All species of the animal are protected in the UK.

Inspector David Hawtin of the Metropolitan Police commented: -

“With the expert assistance of colleagues from specialist units within the Met, the officers constructed evidence to prove that the company had indeed committed an offence by carrying out work at a site where bats were known to inhabit…Bellway Homes has admitted responsibility for this and I hope it reinforces the message that this legislation is there for a reason and should be adhered to.”

Bellway Homes pleaded guilty to damaging or destroying a breeding site or resting place of a wild animal of a European protected species between 17 March and 17 August 2018. The company had been notified in planning documents that it would first need to obtain the appropriate mitigation and a Natural England European protected species licence.

The company was also ordered by the Woolwich Crown Court to pay costs of £30,000 and agreed to make a £20,000 donation to the Bat Conservation Trust.

Main Source: The Guardian.