Posts tagged Primate
Proposed ban on keeping pet primates in UK.

The UK Government has recently announced that people in England could be banned from keeping monkeys and other primates as pets. Up to 5,000 primates are currently living outside licensed zoos in the UK, with animal welfare minister Lord Goldsmith saying many of them are in “misery” due to a lack of space and stimulation.

Under the plans, those who keep them without a zoo licence would need to obtain a new specialist private primate keeper licence to ensure they are meeting zoo-level welfare standards.

Courtesy of Amelia Wang.

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[Series] The Cost of Wildlife Tourism - Primates

In Part 2 of our series into The Cost of Wildlife Tourism, we investigate how different species of primates have been forced into the gruelling coconut farming industry and others subjected to a lifetime of slavery for entertainment purposes. We also learn the sad story of Bua Noi, known as the last gorilla in Thailand, who has spent the past 28 years in a small private zoo in Bangkok.

Courtesy of Amelia Wang

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