Posts tagged Hong Kong
Life imprisonment for ivory smuggling ringleaders.

A Court in Guangzhou handed long prison terms to 17 people - including life imprisonment for the two ringleaders - for running China’s biggest ivory smuggling ring, involving over 20 tonnes of ivory worth more than 1 billion yuan (HK$1.19 billion) from West Africa into Mainland China.

Despite Hong Kong’s legislation and regulation of the illegal ivory trade, enforcement and relevant sentencing tariffs for the illegal sale of protected wildlife products remain lenient. As long as ivory is perceived to be a symbol to convey wealth and status, demand will continue and criminals will eventually outsmart preventative strategies. It is therefore important that preventative strategies work in parallel with educational campaigns to convey the message the ivory should not be perceived as a status symbol.

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Recent cases of cruelty to birds in Hong Kong.

Recently, there has been a sudden spike in cases involving cruelty to birds in Hong Kong, with most of the animals suffering severe injuries as a result of the serious violence inflicted. It is important to remember that all animals are deserving of protection and that if you see animals being abused, respond by stopping the assailant and inform the Hong Kong Police immediately.

Courtesy of Marco Poon

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