Posts tagged Conservation
African Elephants recognised as two separate species.

African elephants have always been considered the same species, but in reality they had split from each other into two distinct species over 5 - 6 million years ago, around the time when humans separated from chimpanzees. The savanna elephant is larger, has curving tusks, and roams the open plains of sub-Saharan Africa. The smaller, darker forest elephant, with straight tusks, lives in the equatorial forests of Central and West Africa.

Now, for the first time, scientists have separately evaluated how the two are faring—and the findings are grim.

Courtesy of Kelly Ma

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How the pandemic is affecting Nara Park deer.

Japan’s famed Nara deer have been considered national treasures for decades. But the recent pandemic has led to a drastic decrease in tourists visiting Nara Park, which has meant that the deer have not only had to revert to their normal food source instead of the nutrient packed rice crackers, but are now roaming further away from the park in search of something similar.

Courtesy of Daphne Ng.

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