Scotland introduces enhanced protection for animals and wildlife

The Scottish Parliament have passed the Animal and Wildlife (Penalties, Protections and Powers) Scotland Bill by 60 votes to 19, amending various animal welfare and wildlife crime legislation, including the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006 and the Animal Health Act 1981.

The Bill increases the maximum penalty for the most serious wildlife crimes to five years imprisonment and an unlimited fine, and also approved of Finn’s law, which gives new legal protections for service animals such as police dogs and horses, including removing a legal defence of self-defence for attacks on such animals in the course of their duties.

Furthermore, the new legislation will give animals welfare enforcement agencies innovative new powers, including allowing animals taken into their care to be rehomed without the need for a Court order, and being able to act on animals’ welfare issues prior to an offence taking place.

Additional protection for animals include: -

(i) new protection for mountain hares, now made a protected species;
(ii) A ban on shooting seals;
(iii) new fixed penalty notices for minor infringements.

 In recent years, there have been some extreme animal cruelty cases in Scotland which have caused public upset. This has led to overwhelming public support for Courts having more options to make the punishment reflect the callousness of the acts perpetrated upon the animals.

Rural Affairs Minister Mairi Gougeon has said:

“This Bill is an important milestone in Scotland’s long tradition of protecting our animals and wildlife.

“The increased maximum available penalties reflect the seriousness of some of the very cruel crimes seen against domestic and wild animals - although these cases are thankfully rare.

“Finn’s law, named after a Police dog brutally injured in the course of its duties, recognises the important role service animals play in protecting us in sometimes very difficult circumstances.

“The Bill also provides innovative new powers, described as ‘transformative’ by the Scottish SPCA, that will allow animal welfare enforcement agencies to quickly rehome animals in their care.”