Landmark ruling against unethical dog breeding in Norway.

Norway’s Supreme Court handed down a final verdict that the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog breed is too sick and inbred for breeding to continue. They also ruled that the breeding of English bulldogs must fit with new frameworks, with breeding falling outside such frameworks to be illegal.

In Norway, Section 25 of the Animal Welfare Act (2009) clearly states that “breeding shall encourage characteristics resulting in robust animals that function well and avail of good health”. It goes on to specify that breeding cannot happen if offspring will likely have natural behaviour affected or if it could lead to ethical issues.

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Kim McCoy
One month old puppy severely beaten leading to permanent blindness.

A one-month-old female puppy "Niu Niu" who lives in a temple in Hong Kong was recently beaten to the point where her skull was sunken, her brain was injured, her jaw was displaced and unable to bite, and she was blinded due to damage to her optic nerve.

Niu Niu is currently hospitalized in the NPV Intensive Care Unit, facing long and painful medical treatment.

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Kim McCoy
35 cats found abandoned in an empty apartment in Hong Kong.

On 18 October 2023, in a shocking incident of suspected animal abuse, an owner in Hong Lok Yuen’s residential area made a distressing discovery. While reclaiming their property in the presence of law enforcement officers, they stumbled upon approximately 35 adult mongrel cats left behind.

Upon entering the Hong Lok Yuen residential area, representatives from the cat shelter were confronted with an abhorrent environment, characterized by a thick layer of excrement and urine at the bottom of the cages. They noted that a majority of the cats seemed unwell, displaying unsteady movement, possibly indicating peritonitis, excessive drooling, oral inflammation, and skin problems. HK Cats Adoption revealed that most of the 35 adult mongrel cats had not been sterilized and ranged in age from 1 to 16 years.

It is imperative to consider your own ability and means before making a decision to house or take in any animals. Abandoning animals and letting them suffer because of one’s inability to take care of them is not compassion.

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Kim McCoy
New research reveals forgotten lives of Eurasian otters in Hong Kong

Researchers have gained new insights into the lives and losses of Eurasian otters in Hong Kong, as detailed in a paper published by Oryx—The International Journal of Conservation, published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of international wildlife conservation charity Fauna & Flora.

Hong Kong is one of the world’s busiest metropolises, and the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra is among its most threatened wildlife. Dependence on lowland wetlands makes it particularly susceptible to human disturbance. Moreover, the low-lying region within Hong Kong where most otters can be found has been earmarked for a government-led mega development plan.

By analysing a 131-year longitudinal dataset, the study provides the first long-term longitudinal overview of the distribution and abundance of the Eurasian otter in Hong Kong, revealing that the species was much more widespread and common in historical times.

The study’s findings show a drastic reduction in the range and abundance of Eurasian otters in Hong Kong between 1890 and 2020, and indicate that Hong Kong’s Deep Bay wetlands have always been the critical habitat for the local otter population – insights that have significant implications for conservation efforts.

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Kim McCoy
Are whales and other marine life properly protected in Hong Kong?

Not long after the death of the Bryde’s whale in late July, another whale (likely to be a Pygmy sperm whale or dwarf sperm whale) was found in the Hong Kong waters. The last tragedy alerted the Hong Kong citizens and the government to act more promptly to prevent further injury caused to this second whale.

The necropsy team indicated the cause of death of the Bryde’s Whale, which was sighted in late July, was likely caused by the fresh cut in front of the whale’s dorsal fin by ship blades or propellers. Citizens and animal protection organisations blamed the government for its slow response regarding possible actions that could be done to protect the Bryde’s Whale

But the presence of these beautiful animals raises a more fundamental question - are we doing enough in Hong Kong to protect them? If not - what more should be done?

Courtesy of Eufrosina Liu

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Kim McCoy
Hong Kong’s Boar Crisis: A Failure in Response and Management.

The Hong Kong Governments policy to ‘control’ the local boar population through culling continues to raise serious questions. The AFCD began euthanising wild pigs in November 2021 after a spike in the number of boars attacking humans and entering urban areas. The policy replaced the Government’s previous tactic of capturing, sterilising and relocating the animals.

A conservative estimate (and based on AFCD published data) indicates that there has been on average one boar killed per day this year - more than twice the number during the same period in 2022.

But it isn’t just local Governmental Departments that are contributing to the decline of the species population. There are more and more episodes of citizens taking matters into their own hands and capturing and killing boars - either through a pack hunt involving dogs or through the use of traps - contrary to the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance, Cap 170.

We have highlighted 4 recent instances of boar’s in Hong Kong, in order to ask the question: what more can we do to protect these animals?

Courtesy of Eunice Lam

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Kim McCoy
Hong Kong's illegal wildlife trade flourishes despite amendments to legislation.

Hong Kong’s illegal wildlife trade is flourishing despite the enactment of tougher laws aimed at shutting down syndicates making millions of dollars off endangered species, with local authorities failing to use any of their new powers.

In 2020 and 2021 alone, customs seized more than 676 tonnes of endangered species estimated to be worth more than HK$221 million (US$28.2 million).

This unfortunately is a prime example of Hong Kong and its commitment (or lack thereof) o protecting animals. The introduction of wildlife crime into Schedule 1 of the Organised and Serious Crimes Ordinance, Cap 455 is to be applauded, but there needs to be the reciprocal enforcement and proper use of these extended investigatory powers to stop wildlife traffickers, or else the law becomes wholly ineffectual.

Introducing laws is only part of the solution, proper execution is where the law can have some bite.

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Kim McCoy
Hong Kong police investigate dead cat found hanging by rope in park.

Hong Kong police are investigating a case of animal cruelty after a dead cat was found hanging from a tree with a rope around its neck in North Point on Saturday.

According to the force, officers received a report at around 1.20pm and arrived at the North Point Promenade Pet Garden, where they found the brown and white cat hanging from a tree with a blue nylon rope around its neck.

Yet another sad and heartbreaking case of animals being abused in Hong Kong. When will it stop? When will the legislature and AFCD step in to amend Cap 169 to allow for greater protection to animals in Hong Kong?

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Kim McCoy
Hong Kong adds two shark families on controlled trade list.

Hong Kong added two major shark families to a list of endangered animals whose trade in the city will be tightly controlled under CITES regulations.

The city is one of the world’s largest markets for shark fin, which is viewed by many Chinese communities as a delicacy and often served as a soup at expensive banquets.

Its trade is regulated under an international treaty on endangered species that requires export permits proving it was sustainably captured.

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Kim McCoy
Wild sparrow found with wings taped together in Hong Kong.

A wild sparrow was found by a resident of To Kwa Wan with its wings taped together with kraft tape. After a call for help in a local resident’s Facebook group, the bird was caught and treated by animal volunteers.

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society estimates based on the sparrow census in May this year that there are about 243,000 sparrows in Hong Kong, a slight decrease of about 10% from last year. Except for rural and commercial areas, the number of sparrows was lower than in the previous year.

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Kim McCoy
Monkeys Under Fire: Hong Kong Resident’s Disturbing Slingshot Assault

On Monday September 11th, the Hong Kong Animal Post Instagram account (@hkanimalnews) reproduced the details of an incident reported to them by a concerned volunteer.

It involved an older man witnessed roaming Shing Mun Reservoir repeatedly shooting at monkeys with rocks using a rustic-looking slingshot. The volunteer further speculated that some rocks did in fact make contact with monkeys before they managed to escape down the mountain.

Chance encounters with wildlife are part and parcel of humans entering their natural habitat. Therefore, the normalisation of violence towards animals in such scenarios is problematic for the creation of a harmonious co-existence. Consistent and uniform application of the law by authorities unto individuals who choose to harm native wildlife is imperative to send a strong message that this type of behaviour will not be condoned.

Courtesy of Saskia Sinha

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Kim McCoy
Hong Kong man sentenced to 10 days imprisonment for breaking wings of pigeons.

A 60 year old man who pleaded guilty to one count of cruelty to animals contrary to s 3 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance, Cap 169 for breaking the wings of a wild pigeon, was sentenced to 10 days’ imprisonment.

The pigeon in this case was found to have suffered broken wings, with bleeding coming from its right wing, hair loss, exposure of its skin and open fractures.

Due to the severity of the injuries, the pigeon had to be euthanised.

Courtesy of HKALPO

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Kim McCoy
Hong Kong Government urged to tighten trade rules on exotic pets.

"Born For The Wild, Not For Your Home."

Two conservation groups on Wednesday said Hong Kong's lenient pet trade regulations have made the city the world's top importer of exotic species.

WWF-Hong Kong and the ADM Capital Foundation said a study they carried out has found that Hong Kong imported more than five million animals of exotic species between 2015 and 2021, with more than half of them under threat of extinction.

The demand for exotic pets was one of the main reasons, the groups said, even though such animals are very difficult to look after properly.

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Kim McCoy
Water monitor lizard finally recaptured after missing for a fortnight in Hong Kong.

A water monitor lizard that went missing in Hong Kong for almost a fortnight looked “a bit dismayed” about the abrupt end to his adventure after being recaptured on the weekend.

Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden said the 1.5-metre-long (4.9-foot-long) lizard, named “Aberdeen”, was seen sunbathing on a terrace by a hiker at the nature reserve in Tai Po on Sunday afternoon.

The lizard has served as a reptile ambassador for eight years after he was rescued from the illegal pet trade. According to the centre, Aberdeen had been a model reptile ambassador for thousands of visitors on how lizards roamed wild in Hong Kong.

Courtesy of Kat Mak,

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Kim McCoy
Carcass of finless porpoise found floating in Hong Kong waters.

The carcass of a finless porpoise was discovered in Hong Kong on Sunday morning, in the 23rd case of a marine mammal corpse being found in city waters this year. Authorities responded to a call at 7.40am about an animal spotted floating near the Central pier. Police said officers were able to salvage the body from the water.

A threatened species list from the International Union for Conservation of Nature indicates Indo-Pacific finless porpoises are considered “vulnerable” – at high risk of extinction. The foundation estimates about 200 of them live in Hong Kong and adjacent waters.

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Kim McCoy
In the Shadow of Skyscrapers: Rethinking the Future of Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens

The Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens (HKZBG), with its outdated animal facilities, is in dire need of transformation to align with modern understandings of animal welfare and scientific advancements.

This is a call to action in aid of the animals who continue to suffer within its confines.

The current conditions fail to provide adequate space, enrichment, and natural habitats for the diverse range of animals housed there. Animals are often confined to small enclosures that restrict their natural behaviours and social interactions, leading to physical and psychological distress.

Modern zoos emphasize the importance of providing spacious, stimulating environments that cater to the specific needs of each species, promoting their physical and mental well-being.

Upgrading the HKZBG’s facilities in line with these principles would not only enhance the lives of the animals but also promote education and awareness among visitors about the importance of ethical and compassionate treatment of animals.

Courtesy of Saskia Sinha

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Kim McCoy
聯合聲明:對孔文添(Tim Hamlett)誤導性文章的回應

時事評論員孔文添(Tim Hamlett)在2023年8月6日於Hong Kong Free Press刊登〈香港鯨魚悲劇收場,但我們真的需要制定新法例嗎?〉(Hong Kong‘s whale met a sad end, but do we really need a new law?)一文。作者認為政府根本無需就保護鯨魚制定新法例,直言:「就極不可能發生的事情立法浪費時間和精力」(it is a waste of time and effort to legislate for things which are seriously unlikely to come up)。




Courtesy of Pit Hok Yau of HKALPO and the Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society.

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Kim McCoy
Joint statement on Tim Hamlett's Misleading Article on Conservation Law.

Hong Kong Free Press’s columnist Tim Hamlett has published an article titled “Hong Kong’s whale met a sad end, but do we really need a new law?” on 6 August 2023. The author has argued that it is unnecessary for the government to implement new legislation that protects whales in Hong Kong, claiming “it is a waste of time and effort to legislate for things which are seriously unlikely to come up.”

We wholeheartedly disagree with Mr. Hamlett, whose stance obviously anchors on some very flawed arguments. Worse still, his misleading and irresponsible piece has inevitably jeopardized the recent lobbying efforts by different conservation NGOs who have asked for an evaluation of existing policies and new legislation on marine animals.

We stand firmly that it is necessary to have new laws that (1) expand the coverage and criminalise violations of the current dolphin-watching guidelines and (2) allow the authorities to set up short-term restrictive zones for conservation.

As a man of influence, we regret and are deeply disappointed by Mr. Hamlett’s misleading article. We hereby urge Mr. Hamlett’ to apologize for his irresponsible arguments and retrieve the article, which is full of misinformation.

Courtesy of Pit Hok Yau of HKALPO and the Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society.

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Kim McCoy
Dog with rope tied around waist found dead in Hong Kong waters.

Hong Kong police are investigating the death of a dog found floating in waters off Hung Hom with a rope tied to a pier around its waist.

The one-metre long female mongrel with black and white hair was found close to a pier near Tai Wan Shan Park. A nylon rope was tied around its waist, with the other end bound to the railing of a staircase at the pier. A hollow metal object measuring 15cm (6 inches) in length was also attached to the rope.

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Kim McCoy
An examination into abhorrent dog and cat meat festivals worldwide.

Until late last week, Tomohon Traditional Market in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, played host to an array of abhorrent practices towards animals. Parallels are evident between Tomohon and other animal markets in China and South Korea; dubbed the ‘last big [global] economies’ to facilitate the consumption and trade of dog and cat meat.

While animal cruelty is the primary reason activist groups have been pushing for closure, rabies transmission is another major concern.

The elevated status of dogs and cats as companion animals in recent years has also contributed to societal mood shifts. Increasing awareness of animal welfare and disease among younger generations may be the key to lasting change and to put a stop to this abhorrent and callous trade.

Courtesy of Saskia Sinha

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Kim McCoy