Hong Kong Animal Law & Protection Organisation

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Circuses in England to ban wild animal exploitation.

The Wild Animals in Circus Bill passed by the British Parliament in 2019 was put into effect last week. According to the Bill, no travelling circuses in England will be permitted to employ wild animals for human entertainment.

The new legislation came on the back of animal welfare groups such as Animal Defenders International (ADI) releasing horrific undercover footage collected from 1993 that exposed the callous and inhumane conditions and treatments prevalent in the circus industry.

In the following 20 years, PETA members contacted their MP’s, appealed in parliamentary meetings through protests, mobilised petitions urging ministers to introduce a ban and released powerful ads to strengthen their case. Other animal welfare groups including the RSPCA, Animal Justice Project, the Born Free Foundation, ADI, Viva!, Animal Aid, and the Captive Animal’s Protection Society also joined PETA in sending a letter in 2016 to remind the ruling government to work on a ban,

The Bill was passed after 20 years of collective protests, ad campaigns and pressure from animal welfare groups, celebrities and the general public.

Over 40 countries have already passed such bans, including Ireland and Scotland which implemented the ban in 2018. Wales have also proposed a similar law banning wild animal circuses which has been approved across parties.