Chinese woman throws dog out of apartment window during argument.

A Chinese woman in Beijing pushed a Labrador out of a window from a fourth-floor apartment during a quarrel with her husband, injuring the animal and sparking a national outrage on the mainland.

A viral video by Litchi Video showed an initial attempt to push the Labrador out of the window as well as the aftermath of the fall, which was not published.

The video narrator, surnamed Yang, also a neighbour, said the couple, who live on the fourth floor, had a fight last Sunday, and during the quarrel, the pet dog was pushed towards the window.

The woman tried to push the Labrador out of the window but was stopped by her husband, allowing the dog to get off the window sill.

Unfortunately, the woman’s second attempt was successful, and she pushed the dog out of the window. The dog landed on a car below and was hurt. Yang said.

“The dog was lying motionless on the ground for over an hour.”

The couple did not show up to check their Labrador for over an hour and only did so when prompted by the car’s owner.

The car owner did not ask for any compensation for the damaged car but suggested the couple send the wounded dog to the veterinary surgeon and they did.

The dog later recovered from its injuries and appears healthy.

After witnessing the violence, Yang decided to talk to the couple and bring them adoption paperwork. Yang said

“I told them they should not keep the dog anymore, and I asked them to sign the paper and approve an adoption.”

Over 11,000 Weibo users wrote comments on the news post, many condemning the couple for their cruelty. They also praised the neighbour and car owner for their kindness.

“How vicious the man and woman are. Both of them are heartless and inhumane. They are animals and do not deserve to be human beings,” wrote one person.

Another said: “Thanks to the neighbour, I hope the lovely dog will have a sweet home.”

Recently, other animal cruelty cases made headlines in China after a man adopted a pet Labrador from a woman and then tried to extort 5,000 yuan (US$725) from her by threatening to have the animal killed for its meat.

While China has a law to protect wild animals, which went into effect in 1988, there is no nationwide law to prohibit the mistreatment of animals including pets.

Main Source: SCMP

Kim McCoy