Hong Kong Animal Law & Protection Organisation

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84 year old man sentenced for cruelty to pigeons.

An 84-year-old elderly man pleaded guilty to two counts of cruelty to animals and was fined $1000 and given a two-week suspended sentence after cruelly attacking pigeons with a long twig and metal pole. He was intercepted and caught red-handed on both occasions by bystanders who subsequently took pictures of his act and reported to the police.

He admitted to his acts and claimed he took his anger out on the birds after they had excreted on his head. The two pigeons were handed over to Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and fortunately, there were no signs of visible injuries.

In mitigation, his counsel said the offences were committed on impulse and stressed that the birds were not injured.

In early 2020, another man was reportedly attacking pigeons with an umbrella in North Point. A pigeon died, and his umbrella broke as a result. The security guard called police, but it remains unclear if the suspect was ever apprehended.

There is a well known saying 「可以不愛但請不要傷害」 “You can choose not to love them, but please don’t hurt them.”

Under Cap. 169 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance, a person found committing cruelty to animals in Hong Kong is liable to a fine up to HK$200,000 and three years imprisonment.

 Courtesy of Amelia Wang

Main Source: SCMP; Dim Sum Daily